Networked Bodies

Networked Bodies

– posted by Suzon –

James and I will be presenting an ONLINE PERFORMATIVE PRESENTATION at the Networked Bodies Symposium in London, at Watermans, on the 9th November 12.30am (Brisbane time).

Title: “Streamed river walk, recounting an embodied environmental networked performance practice”.
We will enact slow walking performance on the bank of Brisbane River, recounting their creek walks around Queensland and the Waterwheel network.

Video of the work-in-progress

Contemporary art in Taipei 2014

Contemporary art in Taipei 2014

– post by James Cunningham –

Following the Summit 2014 – International Art Exhibition of People with Disability in Taiwan, I stayed on in Taipei for a week at Taipei Artist Village. There i met up with volunteers from last year’s summit, and a few artists Suzon and I met during the 2013 Louder Than the City Live Art Festival.

I attended the 2014 Inter-Asia Biennale Forum (Taipei): Production Art, and the Taipei Biennial 2014 – The Great Acceleration exhibition, which included Formosa Decelerator by OPAVIVARA! art collective from Rio de Janeiro with 16 hammocks and a selection of herb teas, and Surasi Kusolwong’s Golden Ghost (Reality Called So I Woke Up) that covered the floor knee deep in industrial thread waste that you could lie on.

In two visits to Bamboo Curtain Studio, I met directors Margaret Shiu and Catherine Lee, and assistant Iris Hung, to talk about the role Suzon and Waterwheel would play in a possible 2-year sustainable art project they are planning for. I also met the resident artists including Australian dancer-choreographer Elizabeth Dalman.

Not far from Bamboo Curtain Studio is the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts where I saw Recognition System – 2014 Kuandu Biennale.

I also caught a few films in the Taiwan International Documentary Festival.

Not bad in one week!

Art Summit Taipei 2014

Art Summit Taipei 2014

– post by James Cunningham –

Following Suzon’s and my visit to Taiwan last year, I was invited again this year to the Art Summit 2014 – International Art Exhibition of People with Disability in Taiwan, Oct 6-9.

Rance Linger was assigned as my assistant and interpreter. A lovely guy from Taipei who met me at the airport and took me to a hotel for breakfast where we were joined by Mr Chen Tu Chin, President of the China Professional Skills Association for the Handicapped that organises this yearly summit. On his recommendation, we accepted an invitation from the visiting performing arts troupe from Fujian province, China, to tour around Taoyuan county that day, visiting the Cihu Mausoleum (where we saw the change of guards of Chiang Kai-shek’s tomb), taking a boat ride on a dam, and ending the day at a BBQ where the troupe performed a dance routine.

At the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall the next day, renowned Taiwanese artist Professor Lee, Mr Chen, Rotary Club branch leaders and other dignitaries spoke, all the exhibited artists received certificates, and a confetti-releasing paper-lantern string-pulling ceremony was enacted. We all had a good laugh when one of the paper lanterns fell on the head of Korean artist Woong Ryeol Choi. Several artists displayed their painting techniques, while others took in the exhibition. After lunch, about 10 artists, including myself, spoke and displayed media about our artistic practice in a forum, before being rushed away to visit Vice-President Wu Den-yih in the Presidential Office Building.  In the evening we sang karaoke over dinner in a restaurant.

After meeting the city mayor Hau Lung-pin on day 3, we all had lunch with Mr Chen. I then went with one of Woong Choi’s assistants, and Summit volunteer Cherry, to a cultural centre to see two design exhibitions, an exhibition about water and an antique wooden furniture display.

On our official day off, I was extremely fortunate to hook up with artist Woong Ryeol Choi and his assistants the next morning and join them on a day trip to a mountain spa in Yangmingshan National Park.