Water Works! Open call
Water Works! Open call
Are your projects or artworks linked to water? Have you always wanted to do something on Waterwheel but never had time? Celebrate this final large event organised by the current Waterwheel team of Suzon Fuks, Inkahoots, and Igneous.
Artists, scientists, activists, teachers and young people are invited to celebrate World Water Day 2016 by contributing to an online exhibition with short digital media (including performances, poems or texts) on the theme of “Water Works!” Deadline: 28 February 2016
Following a quick turn around and selection process, a fantastic group of curators will discuss contributions, and respond to the online audience, in a streaming event on the Waterwheel video-collaboration system, the Tap, on 19/20 March 2016. Accepted formats are video (mp4), images (jpeg, png), animation (swf), audio (mp3), text (doc, txt, xls, pdf) or slideshows (pdf). Curators, link to the Tap and time will be announced closer to the date in the Waterwheel newsletter, blog, twitter and Facebook group.
Think of the myriad jobs that are overlooked when you turn on the tap, no matter where you live, in the city or a rural area: from digging wells, to drawing, fetching, purifying, and distributing water, to studying its ecosystems, analysing its composition, to its use in washing, the production of our food, the management of sewage and waste, the caring for equitable access to water, the ensuring of environmental health and sustainability, paying homage to and highlighting water’s qualities or conditions…
Climate change, financial crises, war, and global environmental damage, have all put pressures on water forcing it to “work” as commodity, capital and resource for growing and shifting human populations.While non-human species and natural processes such as coral reefs, wetlands and beavers “work”in the maintenance and transformation of water, there are also the “works”created by the passing actions of floods, tides and storms. How can art, science, design, and activism reinstate the social, cultural and environmental value of water? How can we give recognition to the indispensable and invaluable ways that water works?
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– Prepare your media
– Register / log in at waterwheel (former online platform)
– Go to Media Centre
– Upload file (s)
IMPORTANT: while ‘processing’, please complete: title, keywords, and short description (once that’s done, please leave the window open)
– SAVE when upload is finished
That’s all! easy!
NOTE: if you need to change info details or upload a new version of the file, once logged in you go to Media Centre > My Media > click on the little pencil at bottom right (next to the cross), and you can edit. At the end, SAVE!
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an online collaborative venue for streaming, mixing and sharing media & ideas about water
a free platform for the awareness, celebration, care & accessibility of water everywhere
Waterwheel was initiated by Suzon Fuks and co-founded with Inkahoots and Igneous
Please share and distribute to your networks
image © Water Vagabond

Networked Bodies
Networked Bodies
– posted by Suzon –
James and I will be presenting an ONLINE PERFORMATIVE PRESENTATION at the Networked Bodies Symposium in London, at Watermans, on the 9th November 12.30am (Brisbane time).
Title: “Streamed river walk, recounting an embodied environmental networked performance practice”.
We will enact slow walking performance on the bank of Brisbane River, recounting their creek walks around Queensland and the Waterwheel network.
ISEA2013 presentation
Waterwheel Patch Presentation - ISEA2013, University of Sydney
– posted by James Cunningham –
Suzon, Ian and I give our 16 minute presentation “Waterwheel Patch” at ISEA2013 at the University of Sydney. Participating with us via Skype and OSC were Russell Milledge and Rebecca Youdell of Bonemap (Cairns, Aus), Mary Armentrout and Marcia Scott (San Francisco, USA), and Kate Genevieve and Evelyn Ficarra (Brighton, UK). ISEA delegate Brisa Mp from Santiago, Chile, volunteered participation on the day in the presentation space, and Adegreden-Adhari Donora from Sumatra participated in the research but not on the day of the presentation. 5-minute edited version of the video documentation follows:
Full video document is here