The Hands Project


Jennifer Lindsay, Lecturer Performance Studies, University of Sydney:

Tremendously innovative in its use of different media and imaginative multi-dimensional space.

Hands are the focus of this multimedia, intergenerational, interactive installation performance featuring performers from 8-68 years of age. The language of hands is used in ways both strange and familiar. touching and being touched – hands express, threaten, love and create community. The action is set in an apartment block, following the daily activities of the residents – showering, working, cooking, playing and hanging out. during the performance, the audience roam about to choose from which places they wish to view the work sometimes there are more than one medium to choose from (for example: live performance and concurrent video projection) and at times there are various performances occurring in different parts of the space simultaneously.

Direction: Suzon Fuks
Choreography: James Cunningham and Suzon Fuks
Visuals: Suzon Fuks and Marion Conrow
Performers: James Cunningham, Kate Holmes, Carolyn Hammer, Eddie Kay, Peter Notley, Kian Ralph, Julien Pohlen, Kath Duncan, Diane Busuttil, Marg, David Holmes
Lighting & Technical Consultancy: Iain Court and Brian McCarty
Music: Boog Bromley
Sound Design: Lee McIver
Supported by the Australia Council for the Arts, NSW Ministry for the Arts, Department of Performance Studies (University of Sydney) & NORPA

-Conservatorium for the Arts, Lismore

– City Hall, Lismore
– Rex Cramphorn Studio, University of Sydney

– Rex Cramphorn Studio, University of Sydney

– Big Feet Little Feet Dance Festival, Byron Bay (the “Tickle” sequence only)