Here are some noteworthy events for Igneous from the year 2015

Our Projects

The Waterwheel website had a new development in partnership with Inkahoots, that included addition or updates to Categories, FAQs, Pages, the Step-By-Step entry, and the Tap demo. David Suzuki made the comment ‘Waterwheel, an important project with real impact’. We launched the e-book Water Views—Caring and Daring, which contains the proceedings of the Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium 2014, and we held HOT WATER—Water, Peace & War, a curated online exhibition on Waterwheel, with panels on the Tap.

We co-produced Fluidata with QUT Creative Industries Precinct (Digital Associates Program). It included Fluidata—Memories the online part of Fluidata developed in collaboration with regional workshop participants, especially Bonemap, Cairns; Fluidata—Installation & Performances, a public interactive installation with durational performances by Cunningham & Fuks, and online performances with Queensland regional artists; and Fluidata—Lab, a workshop with professional artists interacting with Fluidata installation.

We successfully acquitted an Arts Queensland Projects and Programs grant, and a Brisbane City Council Creative Sparks grant for Fluidata, and an Australia Council for the Arts projects grant (Artists with Disability panel) for Fluidata—Live Performances by Cunningham & Fuks.

Outside Projects

We helped Healthy Waterways stream their event Science in the (Online) Pub through the Tap. Balance/Unbalance Conference at Arizona State University used Waterwheel to stream several presentations and keynote sessions. We did a performative presentation for Brisbane City Council’s  Creative Awards night. We shot and edited documentation and promotional videos of WIP of Anna Yen’s play Slow Boat, and facilitated public engagement in Caldor Art Projects’ Abramovic in Residence exhibition in Sydney.

Suzon joined the creative development in Wales of Jill Greenhalch’s Book of Space, as video-scenographer. The work had in-progress showings at Aberystwyth University, Wales, and at Ouverture(s) Festival, Montpellier.