A presentation at ISEA of research undertaken in Jan-Feb 2013 into using mobile devices as a way of integrating remote physical movement and sound into the online structure of the Tap to allow participation away from keyboard/mousebased computers. Taking a cue from research using sensors in dance, we are using phones carried by/attached to participants to collect sensor information on participants’ movement (geolocative / accelerometer / motion / rhythm) as a control source for the Tap. We are also working with “lowbandwith” ways of integrating audio from oldschool mobile phones as both a content, feedback and control source. Ultimately we see the Tap ‘plugin’ as a structure that invites creative / innovative projects rather than a creative project per se. For ISEA13, the team presented highlights of their research, and conducted a demonstration of the Tap ‘plugin’ in a brief live performative presentation exploring tracks and soundscapes of remote participants’ local waterways/scapes in Cairns, Brighton, Sumatra and San Francisco.
Ian Winters: programmer, interactive/video artist
James Cunningham: interactivity and movement artist
Suzon Fuks: Waterwheel initiator & coordinator, movement interaction artist, Igneous
Inkahoots: web design studio, Waterwheel co-founders