'Wetland Wander' slow walk - screen work
Redland Art Gallery
Cleveland 2019

'Wetland Wander' slow walk - screen work
Redland Art Gallery
Cleveland 2019

Creek Walkshop
Plymouth, UK, 2018

Creek Walkshop
Plymouth, UK, 2018

Igneous Projects

Explore Igneous' diverse range of projects. Partnering with artists from various disciplines, including graphic design, sound engineering, and performance, Igneous crafts unique, site-responsive works that engage audiences in new and exciting ways.

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Our History

Beginning with videodance and documentary photography, and evolving through groundbreaking performances in Sydney and beyond, Igneous has consistently pushed the boundaries of live performance and multimedia art. Their journey reflects a commitment to artistic innovation and community engagement, from early works like "Body in Question" to international residencies and site-specific installations.

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